May 17 – July 27, 2013
I am honored to have my Rhythmistic artwork, graphic novel and album cover related images included in the second edition of this very important group showcase.
This very special exhibition opens at the Tubman museum on May 17, 2013. The unabbreviated title of the exhibition is Riffing on the Real II: Back to the Afro-Future. This title references a very popular exhibition on the same subject that the Museum mounted in 2011.
The subject of both exhibitions is the concept of Afro-futurism. This term refers to the exploration of a range of ideas and themes available in traditional and contemporary black cultures, melded with concepts and motifs commonly found in the various forms of fantastic fiction, including science fiction, horror, alternative history, utopian/dystopian fiction and magic realism.
This featured image was created by John Jennings, a close friend and creative comrade.