"NOG Emerges" 2021 Copyright 2021 Turtel Onli

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

 Since the late 1950s in the USA folks have been cast in shade and shame for being into Comic Books or Graphic Novels. Thus this dynamic medium , which is a challenging hybrid of Visual & Literary Art, is marginalized as something restricted to early youth. 

It is often not embraced as literature or art. Yet study after study confirms that folks who tend to read Comic Books & Graphic Novels have high reading comprehension skills based on standardized tests. Vaulted higher ordered cognition and more. Often ridiculed as being those weird lame geeky nerdy kids, they actually are those smarter, intelligent learners.

 This is why I maintain all of the principles of Kwanzaa in my 5 decades long creation, advocacy and publishing of the Rhythmistic Comics from ONLI STUDIOS LLC. I serious appreciate all of y'all for your positive participation. We at ONLI STUDIOS LLC and the growing Black Age of Comics genre could not had done our important work of creativity, culture, content & commerce without you.

 I often ask: How Black was the entire animation, comic book or Graphic Novels industry before we launched the Black Age of Comics in Chicago in 1993 at the historic South Side Community Art Center? As always it is our dreams versus the mainstreams.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

 Prof. Onli actually drew this in 1978 when he was using the Library of the Centre Pompidou of Paris France as his studio. Its posted date is when the copyright was later registered.

 He was bringing the heat and truth of Rhythmism and the impact of the Black Cultural Revolution to the international worlds of Illustration & Fine Art. 

 That same year he won a National Drawing Contest in France. 

 "Habari Gani?"

"Habari Gani?"

Thursday, December 23, 2021


Freshly inspired by his being featured in the 2021 blockbuster group exhibition, "Chicago Comics: 1960 Until Now! curated by Dan Nadel at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Prof. Onli has released the first hyper dynamic Rhythmistic Graphic Novels from ONLI STUDIOS LLC.

It comes with a Platinum treated cover and over 130 pages of serious Rhythmistic visual Fun. Fire, Funk & Flow. 

 "Where a picture in still worth a thousand words!"  

The reader is invited by sequences of insight, action, passion, drama and conflict to narrate the story in his or her words. They have never experienced a book like this one.  Featuring NOG, Malcolm-10, Sustah-Girl, Sasa and many more characters.  A true creative blending of the reader's interpretations and Prof. Onli's vision. It includes surprise links to experimental animations and more.  

Visit the Graphic Novels page at www.onlistudios.com to place your order. 

Each Order is shipped free, is wrapped in archival plastic including free over-sized trading cards. Currently at the cover price of $20.00!!!  You are highly valued, and this is highly collectible!

Art, Illustration, Music, Spoken Word & Animation!

Monday, December 20, 2021

 The Rhythmistic Fine Art of Prof. Turtel Onli was presented to the international Art World in the 2021 edition of the PRIZM Art Fair Expo in Miami. These unique Rhythmistic Art works were even mined and made available to serious collectors as NFTs.