"NOG Emerges" 2021 Copyright 2021 Turtel Onli

Monday, October 22, 2012

Post Blackuns Wanted!

"Most folks pushing the "Post Black" notion see limits in the idea of a Black Culture and miss the vibrant influence of this amazing yet youthful world culture.  Born in the mid-60s, "Blackness" has reached folks on all levels of life world wide.  The idea and practices of "Blackness" goes beyond the limits of "race", "ages", "cast" or "value". "Black" is now very Euro-Asian-Afro-Americo.  It is constantly being reshaped while reforming along the way.  Most of us vintage Black-pioneers love the Post-Blackuns.  Being Black will outlive the post-dating by the  few.  Even the Hip-Hop Community has issues with calling itself "Black" yet every aspect of it was laid out during the Black Cultural Revolution of the 1960s.

Those "Post Black" folks will come to terms with how Black they really are. They could sell the world options beyond the often limited or negative images pushed by some as being "Black".  They could heal and grow so much!

 BTW: Underachievement and anti-social actions are really not being Black....OK???

Not to mention, they could step up to add more positive potential to the Black vibe. Building a healthier community would be nice.  Growing profitable institutions. We did. The whole Afro-future thing was waiting for them to show up since day one.  Just ask the Dogon.

Blackness overcame all issues and challenges to which they benefit.  Now they want to "post" it?!!!!!"

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