"NOG Emerges" 2021 Copyright 2021 Turtel Onli

Sunday, April 18, 2021

By most accounts Comic Books & Graphic Novels are the most dynamic and economical hybrid of Visual Art and Literary Art.  While the medium is dominated with fanatical market loyalty to Three Big Brands there has always been hundreds of small energetic independent publishers.  The mainstream has always used its massive amounts of resources to suppress the value and impact of these smaller innovative operations. 

 Even now in the digital era customers, scholars and fans tend to relate to Comic Books or Graphic Novels through the traditional lens and influential narratives established to benefit the Big Brands and invalidate smaller more independent operations.

Fortunately you are not so easily to manipulate.  You are looking well beyond the narrow and redundant flow of characters and re-worked concepts that the mainstream offers.  You know there are well established styles, innovative characters and stories out here that speak to you.   That drive the expansion of this industry beyond the limits and religious dedication to the Big Brands.

You appreciate that the efforts and activities of indie publishers such as ONLI STUDIOS LLC have both maintained high standards while producing a variety of concepts, characters and styles that go where the Big Brands will not.

  They can not! They can't touch you!  They can't touch ONLI STUDIOS LLC.

ONLI has been publishing since 1981.  Its founder, Turtel Onli, was a major market illustrator before that.  His clients included Ebony Jr., Playboy, WGN-Courtroom News, The Paris Metro & MODE Avant Garde.  He learned publishing by working for various high profile publishers in the USA & Europe.  When it came to the world of comic-books Onli saw the low wages and the exploitation of creative professionals as a serious turn off.  In 1981 this gave rise to his morphing ONLI STUDIOS from a free-lance illustration studio to that of independent publishing, production & event planning.  

Onli created the terms "Rhythmism" to identify his Future-Primitif approaches to art and creativity in the early 1970s.  Onli coined the genre naming term, "The Black Age of Comics" in 1992 and produced the first ever "Black Age of Comics" convention in 1993.  He often askes:  "How Black, Colored or Open was this industry before the launch of the Black Age in 1993"? 

 The answer is proof to the impact and real potential and value of ONLI STUDIOS LLC.  

We could not have done it without you!

Because the Big Brands control the distributors that sell to mainstream comic-book stores and book-stores you will almost never see independently produced products from small publishers on shelves.  However you will see them at comic-conventions and via the internet.  Visit ONLI STUDIOS LLC to acquire, appreciate and share its growing line of Rhythmistic, Afrofuture, Horror, Educational and open products & books.  To express Onli's luv for your participation each books comes with free over-sized limited edition Trading Cards that are twice the size of those sold by the Big Brands!

 Onli gives luv to the love of all things indie!


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